Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha

Most commonly known in Malaysia as Hari Raya Korban or Hari Raya Haji, it is celebrated on the 10th of Zulhijah, which is the 12th month of the Muslim calendar. Aidiladha is celebrated by Muslims all across the world in relation to the end of the hajj pilgrimage period, in which Muslims embarks on their journey to the Holy Land of Mecca in Saudi Arabia to perform one of the five tenets of Islam that is done in a two week period. Thus the Hari Raya Haji or festival of the pilgrimage, takes its name from this particular event.
The Hari Raya Korban (the word "korban" which means sacrifice) is to commemorate the sacrifices made by the prophet Abraham who demonstrated immense faith when he was put to the test by God. During Aidiladha, the sacrifice of animals such as goats, lambs or cows is preformed, whereby the animals are slain in accordance with the proper religious rites in which one third of the meat is then given to the individual who willingly supplied the animal, while the rest is given to the poor and deserving friends or relatives.
The morning of the Aidiladha festival starts by the congregational prayers followed by the observance of the korban that is usually done in the compounds of the mosque itself. The rest of the day is either spent visiting friends and relatives, or entertaining guests at home, as is customary in this multicultural country.

Petikan:- VIRTUAL MALAYSIA The Official e-Tourism Portal for The Ministry of Tourism


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